Massage therapy manipulates the soft tissues of the body through manual techniques to help with pain, discomfort and physical dysfunction. This includes Swedish massage, deep tissue masssage, myofascial release, relaxation, trigger points, pre-natal massage, craniosacral therapy, medical acupuncture, kinesiotaping, and cupping to release fascial restriction.
Registered Acupuncture
This modality uses acupuncture needles or Tuina to regulate the channels and meridians in the body to treat various disorders. I can also use medicated diet to help with the body's general health as well. This includes cosmetic acupuncture, TCM acupuncture, cupping, blood letting, and gua sha (scraping). It can also include herbal therapy where I will diagnose you and prescribe herbs for y...
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This modality uses acupuncture needles or Tuina to regulate the channels and meridians in the body to treat various disorders. I can also use medicated diet to help with the body's general health as well. This includes cosmetic acupuncture, TCM acupuncture, cupping, blood letting, and gua sha (scraping). It can also include herbal therapy where I will diagnose you and prescribe herbs for you to consume to address the condition.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
This method uses acupuncture to try to improve the skin's appearance on the face, neck and/or abdomen. The protocol is not meant for health benefits so HST has to be included and personal health insurance may not cover the cost. It is recommended to contact your insurance provider before coming in if you wish for the fee to be covered.
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Ada Wan pursued massage therapy after completing her undergraduate degree majoring in kinesiology at York University. She graduated from Sutherland-Chan School and Teaching Clinic in Toronto in 2009. While working as a registered massage therapist, she wanted to obtain a new perspective by learning about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Ada graduated with the Acupuncture Diploma in 2014, Practitioner of TCM Diploma in 2015 and Advanced TCM Diploma in 2016 from the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In order to provide a more integrative treatment, she has taken courses in craniosacral therapy (Upledger Institute) and has studied aromatherapy. In the future she would like to learn about neuromuscular integration and structural alignment (NISA), and deepen her knowledge on herbal medicine and craniosacral therapy. She has treated various conditions including epilepsy, temporal mandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), headaches, sports injuries, reproductive and gynecological conditions, cosmetic acupuncture, autoimmune disorders, and pre- and post-natal conditions.
Ada uses both Eastern and Western philosophies and methods to formulate individualized treatment plans. Her goal is to help others achieve a balanced lifestyle and to prevent future injuries and illnesses.
When not working, you can find her with her son and dog. If time allows she is playing volleyball, tennis or lifting weights.
Ada Wan pursued massage therapy after completing her undergraduate degree majoring in kinesiology...
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176 Saint George Street, Unit 2E, Toronto
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